
Enrolment Process

Prospective families are welcome to contact the Enrolments Registrar, Mrs Iola Turner, at the College during the school year for enrolment inquiries. Guided tours of the College are available, and enrolment packs can be posted out.

Phone: (03) 6424 7622
Email: enrolments@sbsc.tas.edu.au

Applications for enrolment are accepted throughout the year, but we do recommend applying early to allow for a smoother transition process.

Year 7 Enrolment Process 

Information Evening and Open Day Tours
Families can attend an Information Evening and College tours toward the end of Term 1. Dates are advertised on the College's Facebook page, radio, and through local Catholic Primary schools.

Enrolment Packs are available at both of these events.  

Submit a 'Let's Keep in Touch' Form 
Inside each Enrolment Pack, a 'Let's Keep in Touch' form is provided.  Completion of this form will enable us to keep you informed in relation to upcoming enrolment events and information.

Enrolment Interview 

The first round of interviews occurs in May/June, with a second round later in the year.

Formal Letter of Offer 
Parents can expect a letter formalising acceptance of enrolment during Term 3.

Transition Program
A series of  Taster Days are offered for Year 6 students at Catholic Primary Schools and students who have expressed an interest and attend non-Catholic Primary Schools. They participate in various practical lessons and experience part of a typical school day at the College.

Parent Information Night
To further assist in a smooth transition to Year 7, an introduction session for parents of the incoming students is held prior to the  Orientation Day during Term 4.

Orientation Day
All new Year 7 students attend an Orientation Day during Term 4.

Enrolment Information

Applications for Enrolment are welcome. Parents/Guardians can apply via the College Online Portal

Interview times are arranged once the College receives completed applications.