Qkr! Canteen Ordering

Online ordering is available at the College Canteen using QKr!

What is Qkr! ?

Qkr! is a payment system which can be used on smartphones, iPads, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.  Qkr! (pronounced ‘quicker’) is from MasterCard. Qkr accepts all major credit and debit cards and you can can register more than one card.  

How do I use Qkr! ?

  1. Qkr! can be used on your smartphone/tablet via an app (Search for the Qkr! app in the App store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android)) or on your desktop computer via your internet browser - type in the URL https://qkr.mastercard.com/store
  2. Create an Account by clicking on the Sign up button. Follow the prompts provided (please note you will need an email address to sign up).
  3. Once you have created your account, you will need to enter your institution name.  Type in St Brendan-Shaw College and select.
  4. Register your child/ren. Enter their first and last names, year and homegroup. You can also upload a photo of your child (this makes things easier the next time you use it, particularly if you have more than one!). 
  5. Select the SBSC Canteen Menu from the Available Menus section.
  6. Choose which date you are ordering for, and the child you are ordering for. Click on the menu items you wish to order, select add to order.
  7. When you have finished selecting items, click on view cart, review that everything is correct and then select pay.
  8. A prompt will ask for new payment card (this can also be saved for next timeand receipts can be emailed out to you.
  9. Log out and let your child know that their lunch has been ordered! 

More information

Download a copy of the step-by-step the instructions HERE

Please see below a Flyer provided by Qkr! which details more about the app.  

More information is also available from: https://qkr.mastercard.com/sto...