Welcome to Week 10 of Term 2
By Mr Stuart Ralph, Principal
As Term 2 concludes, I thank all parents for their unwavering support. Your involvement and encouragement have been invaluable to us. In Term 3, many new students will join us at the College across all year levels, including an exchange student from Italy!
I have had the privilege of joining many classrooms throughout the term, witnessing challenges, successes, and celebrations in all areas of learning. Over the past week, we have also hosted our Catholic feeder schools for their taster days.
Subject Selection Evening
On Wednesday evening, we held our subject selection evening. This is essential to our students' academic growth as they pivot their learning to focus, strength, and enjoyment.
For our current Year 10 students, this includes moving toward TASC and VET subjects. Structured learning and essential opportunities for connecting through sports, the arts, or other co-curricular opportunities are essential to students' success, particularly in their senior years.
School connectedness occurs when students feel that adults and peers care about their learning and them as individuals. This includes feeling cared for, supported, and belonging at school.
The senior years at St Brendan-Shaw College offer opportunities for growth and leadership, the chance to give back to the College, and mentor the younger students in their Pastoral Home Groups.
I am excited about the subject opportunities our senior students have at their hands, including in the Vocational Educational space, where we continue to grow and offer new subjects.
Next year, the College will be offering Certificate II in Aviation. This is an exciting opportunity for our Year 11-12 students.
I would like to remind parents about all the great things that students gain from an education in a 7-12 College. We are incredibly proud of our students’ academic success.
Last year:
- 20% of Year 12 students had an ATAR above 80
- 11% of Year 12 students had ATAR above 85
- 7.5% of Year 12 students had an ATAR above 90
Additionally, 87.5 per cent of our students attained a senior certificate. These exceptional statistics reinforce that St Brendan-Shaw College offers a truly well-rounded educational experience. It is no coincidence that students from outside our school community are already enrolling for Year 11 in 2025.
Our NAPLAN data gives us much to celebrate, especially when we compare data. Our current Year 10s performed exceptionally well in spelling, providing evidence of the positive impacts on student outcomes that our Spelling Mastery program offers.
Celebrating Success
Tomorrow, at our College assembly, we will present Principal’s Study Awards to our top-achieving academic students in Years 7-10. Additionally, students who display our College values daily will be recognised by their peers. The magnitude of these awards should be celebrated at home.
Today, Mr Scott Darlow visited all of our Year 9 students. I have known Scott for over 18 years, and we are very fortunate to have him work with our students. Scott is a passionate Indigenous educator who regularly speaks in 100+ schools globally annually in Australia, the UK, and Asia. He uses his music and speaking skills to entertain and educate audiences Australia-wide about First Nations culture, Australian history, racial tolerance, harmony, and critical social matters. His keyword "FLUTE" (Forgiveness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance, and Empathy) forms part of his work with the students on the day.
Scott's visit coincides with NAIDOC Week, the first week of the school holidays, from 7 to 14 July.
The National NAIDOC Committee chose Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud as this year's theme. NAIDOC Week, which began in 1975, allows Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and celebrates the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
Reminder Save the Date – Dr Andrew Fuller
St Brendan-Shaw College is pleased to announce that we will bring world-renowned psychologist Dr Andrew Fuller to Devonport to work with our students, staff, and parents. Parents will be able to register for this event next term. Our parent evening will be held on Monday 9 September.
Andrew will engage with our students on cyber safety, resilience, and strategies for success in their senior years. He will also collaborate with parents to explore skills that foster well-being and resilience in children and teenagers. His sessions will incorporate concepts from his books Tricky Teens and Unlocking Your Child’s Genius.
This is an excellent opportunity for our community, and I urge parents to attend!
On the Sporting Front
Yesterday afternoon, our Senior Boys' Football team travelled to Hobart to play Guilford Young College in the state final. Unfortunately, our boys lost 107 to 61. I congratulate them on a highly successful return to SATIS Football for St Brendan-Shaw College. Thank you to Mr Byard, Mr Van Buuren and Mr O’Keeffe for contributing to the team's success this year.
On Saturday morning, the St Brendan-Shaw Year 7/8 Netball team will play in their semi-final at Devon, and later in the day, our Senior Girls' Basketball team will play Guilford Young College in Hobart for the State College Championship.
Our Girls' Football team played in a football Gala at Byard Park today. They won their first two games and lost their final match against Ulverstone High. The girls finished third in the competition – congratulations.
Mid Year Break
I wish all families a safe and restful holiday break, especially for those travelling. For those staying home, this provides an opportunity for rest and rejuvenation.
Term 3 commences for all students on Tuesday 23 July.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Stuart Ralph