Welcome to Week 8 of Term 4
By Mr Stuart Ralph, Principal
This week, the College welcomed our incoming 2025 Year 7 students for their Orientation Day. While the weather was not great, pouring rain for most of the day, it was terrific for the students to connect and be inducted into the school community.
I spoke to the students about the wonderful gift their parents have given them to attend St Brendan-Shaw College — a gift that centres around teaching and learning and acknowledging our students' sound academic performances. This gift also comes as an opportunity that each student will shape on the sporting field, in the Arts, or in one of the many leadership or extension opportunities our students are presented with. Your achievements will be a source of pride and inspiration for us all.
We also know statistically that students who attend our College are more likely to achieve an ATAR or complete their TCE in Year 12.
I spoke to the students about the importance of developing a love of learning, showing respect to self, others, and our environment, and, most importantly, taking opportunities to connect and participate in our community in some way.
I challenged each student to find someone to talk to who they were not at their current school and get to know them. My final challenge was to ask the students to find that individual on the first day of Year 7 and wish them well on their high school journey. I was delighted to see so many connections already forming after one day.
Arts Night
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our Arts evening this evening in the McKillop Courtyard. I am most pleased that this is the inaugural year that our Primary Music Program students will also have the opportunity to perform. Tonight provides a unique opportunity for our students to shine, especially for those who are artistically talented and find this a source of fulfilment. Let's all come together to celebrate their creativity and talent.
Principals of Marist Regional College and Our Lady of Lourdes
This week, it was announced that Mrs Carol Seagar would take a year's leave from our Lady of Lourdes as she has taken up a role with the Archdiocese of Brisbane for 2025. We congratulate Carol on this time of professional growth while also providing more opportunities to be closer to her children.
This week, it was announced that Mr Shayne Kidd would take up the position of Principal at Marist Regional College. Previously, Shayne was Principal at St Thomas More’s Primary School in Launceston and, more recently, worked as a Principal Lead for Catholic Education Tasmania. We welcome Shayne to the coast as he embarks on his new role.
I also take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to Mr Gregg Sharman as he explores new opportunities. We acknowledge his wonderful leadership to Catholic Education on the North West Coast and wish him the best in his future endeavours.
Learning Enhancement
Mrs Leanne Purton will leave her role as Learning Enhancement Coordinator at the end of the year and move to NSW to be closer to her daughters. I want to acknowledge the excellent work Leanne has done in her role and the support she has provided our students and their families.
The College is currently recruiting for the Learning Enhancement Coordinator role, and I am delighted with the depth of talent the role has attracted. The College will look to announce Leanne's replacement to the College community next week.
Touch Football and Netball
I congratulate our Touch Football players who participated in the Grand Finals last week. Unfortunately, both our Years 9/10 and Years 7/8 teams were defeated. However, the students are commended for their commitment, participation, and performance in reaching the Grand Final.
Yesterday afternoon, the Year 7/8 Navy team capped off their successful Spring roster with Devon Netball with a commanding 40-11 Grand Final victory over Reece High School — a special thank you to coach Nicole Boxhall for her invaluable guidance and support.
I ask for parents' support to ensure students present in full College uniform. Our Pastoral Care team can help ensure students comply with our Uniform Protocol if they have lost or grown out of items. Parents may be asked to collect their child if they present at school with non-uniform items.
I would like to thank the community for their ongoing support as we look to the many opportunities to celebrate student achievements over the coming two weeks.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Stuart Ralph