Parent-Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all those parents who attended on Monday evening. We always enjoy meeting you and working together to achieve the best outcomes for our students.
Year 7 Immunisations
On Tuesday, I was very proud of our Year 7 students for their courage in facing what a very daunting experience for many is. Especially so when the nurses, who have done school vaccinations for many years, commented that they were the best group they had encountered in years! Well done to all our Year 7 students on making a great start to high school.
Support Ukraine Day
Over the past week, members of our Vinnies group have been collecting donations to go to Caritas Ukraine. I commend their efforts and those of our SRC Executive, who facilitated today’s Casual Clothes day - encouraging all students to make a donation and to wear blue and yellow as a sign of our support.
Athletics Carnival
Apologies for any confusion created by the joke I included last week. While we would dearly love for the staff relay team to have a resounding win, with Covid as it is at present, we are unable to invite parents to join us on the day. You will see lots of photos in next week’s newsletter.
Winter Uniform
I implore parents and students to check that winter uniform items are in order this week. At our leadership team meeting on Monday, we will be reviewing the wearing of PE uniforms to and from school in light of Covid restrictions, so information about any change will be published in next week’s newsletter.
Mask Wearing
We are depleting our stocks of masks by providing disposable masks to students who forget to bring them. I ask for parent support in ensuring that your child comes to school with a mask. I realise that it has become difficult for students to remember now that school is the only place where masks are mandated, but I ask for your support from both an environmental and a financial perspective. It is not sustainable for us to be providing masks each day for such a large number of students.