Catholic Education Week Celebrations

By Mr Stuart Ralph, Principal
Good afternoon parents and guardians and welcome to Week 3 of Term 3.
This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week, and several things have been happening in our community, including 30 of our Year 7 students attending the Catholic Education Week Mass at Marist Regional College, where all Catholic Schools within our region came together to celebrate. Tuesday evening, I had the privilege of attending the Catholic Education Awards Ceremony, where Mrs Nona Roberts and Mrs Mary Hansen were recognised for 25 years of service to Catholic Education. At this ceremony, St Brendan-Shaw College was also presented with our certificate of Validation, recognition of meeting our obligations with regard to the Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools and complying with the registration process of non-government schools.

Saint Mary MacKillop
Tuesday was also the feast day of Saint Mary MacKillop. Each year on the 8th of August, we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Australia's beloved first saint. On this day, we celebrate the important role she played in making education accessible for children in our country.
Mary MacKillop devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families.
St Mary MacKillop's impact on Australian education was remarkable. She was a trailblazer and a leader who passionately advocated for the education of underprivileged children and children in remote areas where others either would or could not go. For such children and their families, Mary opened a door of hope into the future.
Teaching and Learning
This week we have had a number of students involved in ICAS Assessments in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Writing and Digital Technologies. ICAS is the internationally recognised gold standard academic assessment competition. It is pleasing that our gifted and talented students get the opportunity to represent their College and extend themselves through this process. I would like to recognise the wonderful work Mrs Bridget Leary does within our College, working closely with our gifted and talented students.
Recently I published academic comparison data for our senior students. The data that was provided for other alternate options was 2021 data. It has been brought to my attention that the 2022 data is now available for all schools and Colleges through the TASC (Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standard and Certification) Senior Secondary Attainment Profiles.
Attainment data on all Colleges can be viewed by clicking on the following link
St Brendan-Shaw is extremely proud of the data we consistently achieve each year in relation to TASC and ATAR. 2022 data tells us that students who remain and study at St Brendan-Shaw College for Yr 12 are better positioned. We know that 88% of our students gain a TCE compared to 76% at alternate options. We also know that 59% of our students achieve an ATAR compared to 42% at other alternate options.
I have no doubt that our academic success through quality teaching and learning is supported by the pastoral and support practices that the College has in place.
As reported last week, the College is now in the process of timetabling and staffing our student offerings for 2024. Enrolment numbers are strong, and I am extremely pleased with the growth of our Vocational Educational Training program (VET), venturing into many new areas in 2024.
The College has publicly advertised Senior Scholarships available to current students and also students looking to join St Brendan-Shaw College for Yrs 10-12. Please be sure to share this information with friends and colleagues as we look to offer the opportunity for students to join our College community.
Co-Curricular and Sport
This week both our Senior Soccer and Netball teams competed in the second round of the NSATIS roster against Marist Regional College. While both our netball teams were defeated last evening, our senior Soccer team got the better of our Coastal colleagues defeating Marist Regional College 5-1. I would like to congratulate all students who represent our College with pride. Next month we will see sporting representation continue with both the NSATIS -5th September and SATIS -13 September Swimming Carnivals.
Today our Pippin cast has bumped into the Town Hall Theatre, paranaple Arts Centre, after months and many hours of rehearsal. Kicking off next Thursday, our talented students will entertain our local community, highlighting the exceptional talent that is nurtured within our College community.
I encourage all members of the community to come along and support our shows running from next Thursday - Saturday evening. I know you won't be disappointed!
This week Jet Spicer, Srishtri Namoa and Lace Kelly were interviewed at SeaFM live on Weekdays with Jess promoting next week's Production.
To book tickets, please go to the following link and be sure to share with family and friends.
Yours sincerely,