Principal's Message

By Mr Stuart Ralph, Principal
Welcome to Week 6 of Term 4.
This week has been a hive of activity in our community, most notably our Year 10 students completing their exams, a Principal’s tour for new and prospective parents and students, our final Board Meeting for 2023, our Year 12 Valedictory Mass and Dinner, the College Arts Evening, along with many student activities that include Year 9 Reflection Days, students volunteering and competing at the Tasmanian All Schools Triathlon Challenge, and our Year 7 students completing the Jump Rope for Heart Challenge.
This weekend, we have a number of teams representing the College at the Basketball Tasmania North West High School Championships. I would like to take the opportunity to wish all our students the very best, and I look forward to getting along to watch some of the action.
As previously communicated, the College has purchased SchoolTV, which we are pleased to have now available to parents. It’s never been more challenging for parents to raise happy, healthy and resilient children. The SchoolTV platform provides schools with an extensive range of wellbeing resources for parents so they can work in partnership to ensure better wellbeing for all students.
SchoolTV is a platform that will support our students and families on a range of topics, such as:
– Respectful Relationships
– Bullying
– School Refusal
– Online Gaming
– Mental Health
– Friendships and Belonging
The SchoolTV platform provides a range of resources, including articles and videos from leading health professionals such as Professor Michael Carr-Gregg. Michael is one of Australia's highest-profile psychologists, author, broadcaster and specialist in mental health, parenting, children and adolescents. In 1985, he founded Canteen, the world's first national teenage cancer patient support group. Please refer to this week's newsletter for our article in focus.
College School Bags
Midford, the College Uniform Shop is now restocked with our College school bags. A reminder to families that students in Years 7-11 are required to have a College school bag in 2024. These are subsidised in-store and selling for $35 until the start of the 2024 school year (this price is not available online). For students in Year 10, a reminder that you will be given a bag in the last week of school as part of your fee structure for 2024.
Sports Uniform
After a significant period of consultation with parents, staff and students, the College will have a new hoodie and soft shell jacket available for student purchase in 2024. As part of this consultation process, based on feedback provided, most notably from parents, we have decided to stay with the current green. Our new uniform items look extremely stylish and students will now have a range of options at various cost points from which they can choose.
Parents, please note that students will be required to wear white socks with their sports uniform in 2024.
The Rite Journey for Year 9 2024
As previously advertised, the College will be implementing The Rite Journey program to Year 9 in 2024. Staff have received training in the program this year, which will be delivered in House gender groups. Mrs Maria Windsor has been planning and preparing in her role as Coordinator.
Steve Biddulph writes about The Rite Journey:
‘Teenagers need to be actively taught how to be good adults, and that some kind of active process has to happen to get them across the line. That definite teaching, and some kind of “rite of passage” help to bring home to them the honour, and responsibility of becoming an adult and how special that is. That thinking about what kind of man or woman you want to be, can really help when they are put in difficult or risky situations, as all young people are.
Teenagers have all the great things you have given them while growing up, but something is needed to bring this all together and say, “You are now beginning adulthood.” It has to be something solid, spread over time, and involve teachers and parents working together to make it meaningful. There’s a lot to learn about being an adult and making choices and being independent and not expecting mum and dad to look after you all your life.’
For more information about The Rite Journey (the web page has recently been redeveloped) please visit the following link:
Having worked with The Rite Journey program for over a decade, I am excited for this opportunity that awaits our Year 9 students and am sure that parents will understand the value of such a program as we work together implementing it with our Year 9 students in 2024.
If you have a child in Year 9 in 2024, please note that we will have a parent information evening in early 2024.
Celebration of Naplan Results 2023
As a college community, we need to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful NAPLAN results our students achieved in 2023. Our results also provide us with opportunities to look for opportunities for growth as well, with this data helping the College make strategic priorities for teaching and learning in 2024.
In the table below, (**) marks that our students are at or above the Australian mean score.
Year 7 Results | Year 9 Results |
Year 7 Numeracy**
Year 9 Numeracy
SBSC mean score 537
SBSC mean score 551
Tasmanian mean score 514
Tasmanian mean score 545
Australian mean score 538
Australian mean score 568
Year 7 Reading **
Year 9 Reading
SBSC mean score 542
SBSC mean score 553
Tasmanian mean score 521
Tasmanian mean score 551
Australian mean score 536
Australian mean score 564
Year 7 Writing **
Year 9 Writing**
SBSC mean score 535
SBSC mean score 567
Tasmanian mean score 515
Tasmanian mean score 547
Australian mean score 534
Australian mean score 567
Year 7 Spelling
Year 9 Spelling**
SBSC mean score 527
SBSC mean score 573
Tasmanian mean score 518
Tasmanian mean score 562
Australian Mean score 539
Australian mean score 568
Year 7 Grammar
Year 9 Grammar
SBSC mean score 535
SBSC mean score 542
Tasmanian mean score 521
Tasmanian means score 533
Australian mean score 539
Australian mean score 55
This week, I received information from Catholic Education Tasmania that St Brendan-Shaw College was among the top-performing Catholic schools in the state for 2023.
Yours sincerely,

Mr Stuart Ralph