A compulsory subject in Years 7-10
HPE is a core subject in years 7 to 10 and the Curriculum is guided by the Australian HPE Curriculum. It integrates Health and Physical components, aiming to develop knowledge, skills and understanding across the learning area. Students engage in regular movement based activities, allowing them to develop a variety of cognitive and social skills. The activities undertaken are done so in an environment that encourages participation, providing everyone the opportunity to learn in a friendly and welcoming setting. Complementing these lessons, all year levels undertake study focusing on personal, social and community health, acquiring skills and knowledge that allows them to make sound and informed decisions relating to their health.
In addition to the HPE Core, Year 9 and 10 students may elect to choose options from the HPE domain as part of their electives.
Offerings can include:
Sport for Girls and Sport for Boys, a subject that is practical in nature and aims to offer girls/boys the opportunity to get out and participate in a variety of sports in an all-girls/all-boys setting. The course aims to engage students in sporting activities who, without this, may not be meeting recommended levels of physical activity. Students who already have a high commitment to sport both within and outside the College may like to consider an alternative elective.
Sport Science Foundation (Year 10 only) is run over two option lines. It consists of both theoretical and practical components with students acquiring an understanding of human function and physical activity, skills in communication and investigation and the ability to apply theory to practical situations. This is a TASC accredited course with criterion based assessment.
Human Performance which looks into the factors that influence sporting performance. To do this we offer a variety of strands including Netball, Football and Basketball. These strands allow for the delivery of the course through sports that the students are interested in, allowing them, where possible, to experience the concepts taught in real situations. Due to the numbers of students choosing the electives, some strands may not run each year.
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